
Ragnarok Valkyrie Uprising Wizard Guide


The boring part that no one reads. Anyway, this is a general guide for average players so you don't need to follow my guide exactly and feel free to criticize or help my guide =D


Can solo depending on monsters and your build.
Good for mats hunting depending on monsters and your build.
Can hunt GC (Gold Coin).
Good at PVP.
Have AoE skills.
Great damage dealer.
Fast leveling in party.
Equips are expensive.
Dependent on SP potions unless you have good SP recovery.


INT (Intelligent):
Increases Magic Attack. You get 3 Matk per Int but higher Matk% give more bonus.
Increases Max SP.
The formula for Matk (Thank to MasterBat) is:
[ [ Character Level + ( Total INT x 3 ) ] x ( 1 + Total Weapon Matk% ) ] + Total Matk from Equips and Cards = Final Matk

MasterBat, on 18 Jul 2013 - 2:47 PM, said:
Using my character for example, I am currently level 40, Int 73 + 41 (from gears), and with +7 Coin Staff 45%+11.2% = 56.2% (No Card). My final Matk (without Cards) will be:

[ 40 + ( ( 73+41) x3 ) ] x [ 1.562 ] + 11 Matk (from Mage Hat) = 607.68.

So, using that formula:
If I put +3 INT Card x 3, my final Matk will be: [ 40 + ( ( 73+50) x3 ) ] x [ 1.562 ] + 11 Matk = 649.86
If I put +15 Mark Card x 3, my final Matk will be: [ 40 + ( ( 73+41) x3 ) ] x [ 1.562 ] + 11 + 45 Matk = 652.68

Therefore, with my current gears, one +3 INT card will increase my final Matk by 3 INT x 3 x 1.562= 14.06, which is less than one +15 Matk card. Even more, you guys may wonder when +3 INT will equal to +15 Matk? By using the previous simple equation you will need a weapon total Matk% to be 67%, 3 x 3 x 1.67= 15.03. So, clearly that with my current gears +15 Matk x3 is a better choice for me.

AGI (Agility):
Increases Attack Speed. Useless for Wizard.
Increases Accuracy. Let say your Damage range is 80-100 per hit, more AGI will be 81-100 per hit. Don't know exact value.
Increases Dodge Rate. Useless for Wizard.
Stats Order: Just go full INT until 99 then rest AGI. You should focus only on damage because in high lvl party you will fuse with tank. Fuse is a trick where the priest and wizard stand in the same spot as the tank so that the one receiving damage is the tank.


Fire Bolt lvl 1
Upgrade Fire Bolt lvl 3
Meteor Storm lvl 10
Lightning Bolt lvl 1
Upgrade Lightning Bolt lvl 3
Lord of Vermilion lvl 10
Increase SP Recovery lvl 5
Energy Coat lvl 10

I did a long test today (Thanks to ToyotaAltis for helping me) against Kukre (water monsters) with 750 Matk and no water cards. I tested total duration of skill (including casting time), number of hits and damage per hit. I'm going to write total average damage too. This is the result of my test:

Duration: 8 sec Hits: 10 Damage: 800-1000 Total: 9000 MS (Meteor Storm)
Duration: 10 sec Hits: 16 Damage: 600-800 Total: 11200 LoV (Lord of Vermilion)
Duration: 13 sec Hits: 11 Damage: 600-800 Total 7700 SG (Storm Gust)

Now the question is...which is the strongest skill? LoV had higher total damage but duration of skill is 2 seconds longer compared to MS. In order to compare both skills under the same duration we use rule of three (Math), using duration and total, and the result is that both skills deal almost the same damage. But we know that Fire against Water deals 75% damage while Wind against Water deals 100% so we can deduce that Meteor Storm is the strongest skill against all monsters. I don't know which skill is actually stronger against water because damages aren't steady (maybe it will be more clear with higher Matk) but both skills deal almost the same so don't think too much about it :P

Now...which is the second best skill? Since the best leveling spots have water monsters (Skel and Raydric) you will obviously get LoV. Against Dullahan and Raydric use MS and LoV because Dullahan. Against Skel, test it yourself if you should use both skills (If MS deals more damage) or just LoV because like I said, I don't know which skill is actually stronger against water.

By the way...against non water monsters, I don't know which is stronger between LoV and SG because I didn't test it. I don't think I need to do this test for current level cap because I doubt there is a wizard out there who resets his skills based on monster properties. If you do reset your skills depending on monsters/bosses let me know and I'll gladly do the test.

The remaining skill points are up to you.

If you hunt bosses like Loli Ruri, I recommend maxing 2 Bolt skills because she casts AoE like LoV so you need to cast outside of her range (Meteor Storm & Bolt skills).

If you only grind then I recommend SP Recovery to spend less potions and Safety Wall (Need Blue Gemstone) in case of emergency like your tank or priest disconnecting. Fire Wall is also useful, for solo'ing.


Compound your own rank3 cards. If you can compound rank4 cards then go ahead.
Craft your own equips. Start aiming for VS parts. Then VVS and so on.
Note: Best means end gear for lvl 75 Wizard. There isn't a better equip for lvl 75.

Great Sorcerer's Hat S ---> Magic Eye S (Best)
Rnfd Magic Coat S ---> VVVS Gaibram/VVS Scout Rb ---> VVVS Lucius (Best)
VVVS Wool Scarf  ---> VVVS Musica ---> VVVS Rider Wing (Best) VVVS Morpheus Shawl is the best but has same int and needs Knight Ornament which isn't available yet
VVVS Durable Shoes ---> VVVS Ebecee Shoes ---> Katrinn Shoes S2 (Best) Same int, more hp, and lots more def/mdef
VS Nadia's Ring ---> VS Betelgeuse ---> VVVS Nymph Ring ---> Magic Ring of Valkyrie (Best) The int8 all5 version, int8 maxhp6% is also pretty good if you got hp cards in accessories and/or shoes/helm
VVVS Mighty Staff ---> Jucid S2 ---> Deadwood S2 ---> Lacryma S2 ---> Cleric Wand S2 (Best)
Dokebi (Evolved) ---> Alice (Evolved) ---> Sohee (Evolved)


For those who don't know where to get certain gear. All VS is obviously crafted.

Dark Lord ---> Magic Eyes S
Mage Box C ---> Jucid S2, Deadwood S2
Mage Box D ---> Lacryma S2, Cleric Wand S2, Katrinn Shoes S2
Battlefield 10,000 fame points box ---> Magic Ring of Valkyrie


Don't put worthless cards on expensive equips.

Helm: Mini Demon S (Against Shadow monsters) / Sandman S (Against Water monsters) / Poring S (Against Neutral monster and PVP) / 480HP isnt bad for pvp
Armor: Def9 / Mdef9 / Def7 for cheap armor
Manteau: Agi5 / Def6 is not bad for pvp
Shoe: Sandman S (Against Water monsters) Don't need to get another shoe but you can buy Matk6 for rest of monsters if you want, 480HP is good for pvp
Staff: Gibbet (Against Water monsters) / Mimic (Against Shadow Monsters) / Kukuring (Against Neutral monsters and PVP)
Accesory: HP180 / SP170

This is all for now...I'm too sleepy it's 4:30 am here x.x...well, two more guides to go :D

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