
Ragnarok Valkyrie Uprising Head-on Battle against Other Classes

This is for all the BF afficionados out there who'd like to go astray the conventional playing of Battlefield and create a friendly(?) and yet very competitive atmosphere inside the field. This will of course lead for people to gain lesser fame and points. So for those who watch out for their ranking and fame points, this is not really the fighting style to go with. Also, beware of the consequences of attracting too much attention from other players as they will eventually get back at you. LOL

Simply put, this is fighting one on one against other classes (as fighting with another priest is pointless, seriously stop harassing your fellow healer, jeez). Basically, focus firing into a player until they die is the idea. If they engage in the challenge, great! But if not, switch target and pester other players. I'm sure lots of players will find you an annoyance and soon you'd find yourself getting bolted by two or more wiz at a time. Or get a combo from a dps while being bolted by a nearby wiz LOL. It is basically suicidal and kind of stupid (I admit) but the fun of making it difficult for serious BF players to get the points they wanted is kind of rewarding (hehe). Especially after they pm you after BF - "!@@#$!! :)"

So lets get to the start-up:

Basically, what evitte had mentioned in her guide about gearing and requirements for Priests to have a serious chance in BF are also applicable in this one, even higher requirement is necessary at times. One alteration though is the use of poring in either helm or shoes to boost the HL you need to make serious damage to your opponent. This will cut your HP drastically but with at least 8.2k of HP, it is enough as long as def sits at around 280+ and mdef is 240+ after food. However, assassins with 1200+ atk could seriously OHKO you so that's the risk you have to take.

And.. here are the common results you'd get if you battle each class:

A. Pure DPS (lvl 75+) equipped with nice items and Bravery weapon AND neutral cards - pretty much you'd find yourself winning most of the time against these high dmg bastards not unless you're stunned the whole time during the fight. But getting stunned once or twice is manageable. HL+hammer+HL is the common combo to go with. They usually run though after one HL especially when you didn't get stunned on their first charge as their HP only stands @ 6k+ so make sure to follow them and smack them with the final blow. Ahh, good times..

B. DPS (lvl 75+) with HP cards/Kukuring - if their accessories have stun on them, it's kind of hard to really beat these guys and odds are probably 60/40 in their favor. The most effective way is assaulting them first , making them wary of the 1/3 hp dmg you can cause, and then hoping that you'd never get stunned. Make some space between you and them if you manage to survive their combo and then getting back at them for another HL. During the fight, if both parties did not get stunned, the chance of winning for the priests is really high. The tables have turned. hihi.

C. DPS (lvl 75+) with Balrog/Poring/HP cards (ANTI-PRIEST) - the worst kind. It is almost impossible to win against them unless their stun is bugged hehe. But defeating them once or twice has its perks. The best thing to do is attacking them first, create a safe distance to avoid the charge, then try another HL. That is the ideal case. But most probably you'd find yourself stunned while they continue to hit you. It is essential to continue healing until you find that small window of escape. In most cases, the two of you end up dead coz a wiz interrupted your fight with his MS. Therefore, it's a truce! LOL

There are other varieties these DPS take form, all with the same pros and cons you'd find with the three types listed above. Anti-priest DPS is mainly the cause of headaches and heartaches for most FS. For one on one fighter like myself, it is unwise to stroll around near them. But like I said, the aggressive approach in BF really gives you more freedom to kill so if you really want to engage yourself in a challenge, go ahead and enjoy. :)

D. One-hander (lvl 75+) with Balrog/HP/Poring - Nothing to worry about these guys. Your defense should be able to handle their attacks and your HP is sufficient enough to last the stuns they will inflict. Fighting head on with them should be manageable unless both of you get showered by an MS from a mother*bleep* wiz. Style to go with: hit and run. Avoid getting stunned.

E. One-hander (lvl 75+) with Kukuring/HP - Awww they should have known better. Unless they're wearing nice accessories with stuns, they have a slim chance of winning against a crazy FS. Seriously, stun is the only thing that's hindering our domination in the field. So if a one-hander attacks you and you didn't see any stars on your head, fire away my friend.

F. One-hander (lvl 75+) with Balrog/Poring - Pretty much the same as DPS with balrog cards. The difference is the time it takes to kill/get killed. It's a battle of chance and the possiblity of winning against them is close to 50/50.

G. THE WALL (lvl 75+) pure vit one-hander - Urghh. Don't bother with these jerks lurking at the corner of the stage in their valkyrie state unless you are very bored and you just want to bully them. Let a wiz takes the initiative to bolt their asses and wait for their hp to be depleted before attacking. But usually they just run off.

One-handers are pretty easy to defeat especially if they lack good items like Plat S2 or VVVs armors. It is always fun to surprise them when they attack you and and you didn't flinch or run but instead engage them in a one on one combat. And after you left them sitting on the field, the next time they see you, you'd see the hesitation in them to attack you. Hehe

H. Assassins (lvl 65+) - Unless they can OHKO you, then they shouldn't be a problem. you can even do the same to them if their HP is just over 3k (w/ food, HL could inflict as much as 3.5k dmg). Assassins are pretty hard to play with and they are the mavericks inside the field. Loose cannonballs who are out to knock-out unsuspecting players. They normally target wiz and dps, but priests with low hp are also targeted.

I. Wizards (lvl 75+) w/ full neutral cards - the highest matk so far i have encountered is 1400ish. All FS should be wary especially if the wiz's attacks are purely bolts and napalm. Toasted before you can even react if your hp sits @ 8.2k. With 8.5k, survival can be managed if the wiz gets suddenly distracted or their skill is laggy. To battle head-on, make sure to make the first attack. If the wiz is rich, he'd probably switch to hp shoes to protect his life. I find it easier to battle them if I make the first move since they are always very conscious of their survival. When threatened, they almost always turn suicidal, casting MS just to rack up some points if they manage to kill anyone who's unlucky to get stunned. MS causes a considerable time lag for them to cast another skill so they'd probably run away from your direction. Anticipate their movement and cast another HL if you can. This encounter is quite impossible to achieve on the stage as there are other players who'd probably take their chance to steal your victim. Or kill you. So when battling wiz, I prefer to do it in the outfield. But staying in the mid while casting HL to any wiz who passes by is also my hobby, hehe suicidal. The most rewarding part though is even though it's not my kill, when the wiz got killed by someone while focus firing me and I survived, I make sure to go back to where he is sitting and show him my full hp. LOL

J. Wizards (lvl 75+) hybrid HP/neutral cards - Their attack is considerably lower and escaping their bolts is pretty easy. There is a very good chance to win against them and they usually resort to MS if you're too much of a pest to deal with. Again, it's the stun that can only kill you when fighting against them so stay away from the fiery shower before making your move.

Almost all battling wizards today have +8/+9 cleric s2 in their arsenal that moving inside the field is a challenge. Like I said before, if your playing style is aggressive, you'd gain more enemies and you'd find yourself the focus of attacks most of the time.

Like I said at the start, this is not a good way of playing BF if you are aiming for points and fame. Priests are naturally built to defend attacks and survive combats. The usual aggressors in the game are the DPS and Wiz but to kill these sons of *toot* singlehanded is one of my greatest joys while playing the game.

Note that varied results may happen while battling other players using the tactics I listed here. I should mention that to be able to be quite successful in this kind of endeavor, your character should be pretty well-equipped else you'll just be a sitting duck inside. Also, a good internet connection is necessary. Sad to say, I lack too much in this area that my aggressiveness only gets me killed frequently.

The fun of challenging players especially those within your ranks is both rewarding and exhilarating. You make unexpected friends/rivals who are excited to have you in the room for the challenge that you will impose on them. Likewise, you anticipate these players to attack you and the adjustments they will do to still gain points while having to deal with a crazy FS in their midst. Every battle is different as you make more rivals inside. Some players may not like you for it while there are others who'd appreciate the change you bring. In any case, playing and enjoying the the battlefield is one of the highlights of the entire rovu game so being too serious about it would just ruin the whole experience.
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