Ragnarok Valkyrie Uprising Guide How to get your Poring Pet
How to get your Poring Pet
The first quest is a mix between a tutorial and an actual quest. You will learn how to use and navigate your game.
Although it is a big long tutorial, you won't regret doing it, because as a reward, you will gain a little Zeny, EXP, a Peco peco to mount (But only for 24 hours) and last but not least a poring pet. (Who will pick the items that monsters dropped automatically)
Every time a character has a exclamation mark on top of them, it means that they have a new quest for you. Quests will unlocked as you level up. If the character shows a question mark, that means you are currently making a quest and that the next step is talking to that character in particular. (Or, is the question mark is in a greyish color, it means you already spoke with him, but you haven't completed the quest.) But don't worry, you will get all these things as you go through this first quest.
This is dummy text. It is not meant to be read. Accordingly, it is difficult to figure out when to end it. But then, this is dummy text. It is not meant to be read. Period.